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OPcache Manager
Command Line Reference

OPcache Manager is fully usable from command-line, thanks to WP-CLI. You can set OPcache Manager options and much more, without using a web browser.

  1. Obtaining statistics about OPcache usage - wp opcache analytics
  2. Getting OPcache Manager status - wp opcache status
  3. Managing main settings - wp opcache settings
  4. Forced invalidation - wp opcache invalidate
  5. Forced warm-up - wp opcache warmup
  6. Misc flags

Obtaining statistics about OPcache usage

You can get OPcache analytics for today (compared with yesterday). To do that, use the wp opcache analytics command.

By default, the outputted format is a simple table. If you want to customize the format, just use --format=<format>. Note if you choose json or yaml as format, the output will contain full data and metadata for the current day.


To display OPcache analytics, type the following command:

pierre@dev:~$ wp opcache analytics
| kpi          | description                                   | value | ratio  | variation |
| Hits         | Successful calls to the cache.                | 1.9M  | 99.9%  | +0.02%    |
| Total memory | Total memory available for OPcache.           | 192MB | 42.42% | -5.53%    |
| Keys         | Keys allocated by OPcache.                    | 3K    | 15.45% | +9.14%    |
| Buffer       | Buffer size.                                  | 6MB   | 99.08% | +0.84%    |
| Availability | Extrapolated availability time over 24 hours. | 24 hr | 100%   | 0%        |
| Scripts      | Scripts currently present in cache.           | 2.3K  | -      | -9.44%    |

Getting OPcache Manager status

To get detailed status and operation mode, use the wp opcache status command.

Note this command may tell you OPcache is not activated for command-line even if it's available for WordPress itself. It is due to the fact that PHP configuration is often different between command-line and web server.

Nevertheless, if OPcache is available for WordPress, other OPcache Manager commands are operational.

Managing main settings

To toggle on/off main settings, use wp opcache settings <enable|disable> <analytics|metrics>.

If you try to disable a setting, wp-cli will ask you to confirm. To force answer to yes without prompting, just use --yes.

Available settings

  • analytics: analytics feature
  • metrics: metrics collation feature


To disable analytics without confirmation prompt, type the following command:

pierre@dev:~$ wp opcache settings disable analytics --yes
Success: analytics are now deactivated.

Forced invalidation

To initiate a forced invalidation, use wp opcache invalidate.

This invalidation will be done at the next scheduled cron.


To invalidate files without confirmation prompt, type the following command:

pierre@dev:~$ wp opcache invalidate --yes
Success: invalidation scheduled to start in less than 5 minutes.

Forced warm-up

To initiate a forced invalidation followed by a warm-up, use wp opcache warmup.

The invalidation and warm-up will be done at the next scheduled cron.


To invalidate and warm-up files without confirmation prompt, type the following command:

pierre@dev:~$ wp opcache warmup --yes
Success: invalidation and warmup scheduled to start in less than 5 minutes.

Misc flags

For most commands, OPcache Manager lets you use the following flags:

  • --yes: automatically answer "yes" when a question is prompted during the command execution.
  • --stdout: outputs a clean STDOUT string so you can pipe or store result of command execution.

It's not mandatory to use --stdout when using --format=count or --format=ids: in such cases --stdout is assumed.

Note OPcache Manager sets exit code so you can use $? to write scripts.
To know the meaning of OPcache Manager exit codes, just use the command wp opcache exitcode list.


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Support & Help

I?ll be glad to help you if you encounter issues with this plugin. Just use the support section of the WordPress directory.