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Command Line Reference

Vibes is fully usable from command-line, thanks to WP-CLI. You can set Vibes options, view past or current performance signals and much more, without using a web browser.

  1. Viewing perfomance signals - wp vibes tail
  2. Getting Vibes status - wp vibes status
  3. Managing main settings - wp vibes settings
  4. Misc flags

Viewing performance signals

Vibes lets you use command-line to view past and currents API calls. All is done via the wp vibes tail [<count>] [--signal=<signal_type>] [--filter=<filter>] [--format=<format>] [--col=<columns>] [--theme=<theme>] [--yes] command.

If you don't specify <count>, Vibes will launch an interactive monitoring session: it will display signals as soon as they occur on your site. To quit this session, hit CTRL+C.

If you specifiy a value for <count> between 1 to 60, Vibes will show you the count last signals catched on your site.

Note the tail command needs shared memory support on your server, both for web server and command-line configuration. If it's not already the case, you must activate the shmop PHP module.

Whether it's an interactive session or viewing past signals, you can filter what is displayed as follows:

Signal type

To display only signals having a specific type, use --signal=<signal_type> parameter. <signal_type> can be all, navigation, webvital or resource.

Field filters

You can filter displayed events on fields too. To do it, use the --filter=<filter> parameter. <filter> is a json string containing "field":"regexp" pairs. The available fields are: 'site' and 'endpoint'.

Each regular expression must be surrounded by / like that: "endpoint":"/\/blog\/(.*)/" and the whole filter must start with '{ and end with }' (see examples).

Columns count

By default, Vibes will output each signal string on a 160 character basis. If you want to change it, use --col=<columns> where <columns> is an integer between 80 and 400.

Colors scheme

To change the default color scheme to something more eyes-saving, use --theme.

If you prefer, you can even suppress all colorization with the standard --no-color flag.


To see all "live" signals, type the following command:

pierre@dev:~$ wp vibes tail

To see only past signals about blog posts, type the following command:

pierre@dev:~$ wp vibes tail 20 --filter='{"endpoint":"/\/blog\/(.*)/"}'

Getting Vibes status

To get detailed status and operation mode, use the wp vibes status command.

Managing main settings

To toggle on/off main settings, use wp vibes settings <enable|disable> <navigation-analytics|resource-analytics|auto-monitoring|smart-filter|metrics>.

Available settings

  • navigation-analytics: if activated, Vibes will analyze navigation signals and Web Vitals.
  • resource-analytics: if activated, Vibes will analyze resources signals.
  • auto-monitoring: if activated, Vibes will silently start the features needed by live console.
  • smart-filter: if activated, Vibes will not take into account the beacon that generate "noise" in signals.
  • metrics: if activated, Vibes will collate metrics.


To disable smart filtering without confirmation prompt, type the following command:

wp vibes settings disable smart-filter --yes

Misc flags

For most commands, Vibes lets you use the following flags:

  • --yes: automatically answer "yes" when a question is prompted during the command execution.
  • --stdout: outputs a clean STDOUT string so you can pipe or store result of command execution.

It's not mandatory to use --stdout when using --format=count or --format=ids: in such cases --stdout is assumed.

Note Vibes sets exit code so you can use $? to write scripts.
To know the meaning of Vibes exit codes, just use the command wp vibes exitcode list.


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Support & Help

I’ll be glad to help you if you encounter issues with this plugin. Just use the support section of the WordPress directory.