Welcome Vibes!
It is with great pleasure – and pride – that I announce today the birth of Vibes, the twelfth plugin of the PerfOps One suite.
Vibes is a Continuous Real User Monitoring plugin for WordPress. It analyzes performance signals sent by users’ browser to deliver truthful insights about performances and browsing experience from users’ viewpoint.
Navigation Performance
Vibes continously monitor what your users experience as performance when browsing your site or network. It detects, for each of your pages, the loading times, those induced by the network, the improvements linked to the browser cache, etc.
It can thus produce detailed reports about pages’ performances:
And segmented Web Vitals reports:
How It Works?
To detect and track all these KPIs, Vibes proceeds by statistical sampling while injecting in the user’s browser a script designed to report on what is perceived by the user. This means that the more visits you have the more accurate and detailed the statistics will be.
You have, of course, the ability to adjust this sampling rate for both navigation and resources – regarding the traffic on your site – in the plugin settings.
Vibes is the first step in an effort by PerfOps One to also produce user experience measurement tools. I hope you will enjoy it and find it useful!